AAEP Preview: Bionote USA
Bionote USA offers veterinarians multiple critical biomarker tests that can all be run through a single analyzer to reduce the time needed to obtain test results.



Vcheck from Bionote USA

Vcheck from Bionote

Bionote USA offers equine veterinarians multiple critical biomarker tests that can all be run through a single analyzer. The Vcheck V200 provides quantitative results in minutes on equine serum amyloid A (SAA), equine progesterone, and foal immunoglobulin G (IgG). Not only does this eliminate the cost of additional diagnostic equipment, but it also dramatically reduces the time required to receive test results compared to a reference lab. Space savings are an additional benefit, as the Vcheck V200’s compact design allows it to incorporate easily into any clinic or be brought into any stable.

Veterinarians looking to capitalize on these benefits can also be assured of the tests’ results. They have been verified by Bionote studies, ensuring accuracy and specificity for their clinical applications.

Equine SAA detects levels of SAA. This important biomarker is a specific indicator of inflammation from treatment, injury or an infection. Equine progesterone is often thought of as a breeding-specific test. While it can be used to monitor the estrous cycle and detect reproductive disorders, it can also be useful in detecting potential causes of behavioral issues. Foal IgG measures immunoglobulin G, an antibody foals receive from colostrum until their immune systems can produce it independently. If a veterinarian detects low levels, they can intervene with supplemental antibodies to protect the foal from infection.

In addition to these tests, Bionote is consistently working to develop more biomarker measurement solutions. Soon, even more options will be available to elevate equine care on a single analyzer that saves money, time and space.


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