Obama Budget Could Halt Horse Plant Inspections Through 2015
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Funding for USDA horse processing plant inspections would be eliminated through 2015 under a request contained in the $3.9 trillion budget proposal revealed this week by President Barack Obama. But one horse processing advocate believes the budget plan could violate North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) provisions.
Horse processing has not taken place in the United States since 2007, when a combination of court rulings and legislation shuttered the last two domestic equine processing plants in Illinois and Texas. Horses were thereafter shipped to Mexico and Canada for processing.
Congressional funding bills contained amendments denying the USDA funds for horse processing plant inspections until November 2011. Then, Congress passed an appropriations bill that did not contain language specifically forbidding the agency from using federal dollars to fund horse slaughter plant inspections. Shortly afterward, horse processing plants were proposed in several states, however, none became operational.
In April 2013, Obama introduced his $3.8 trillion budget plan for fiscal 2014. Under the budget, the USDA received $22.6 billion in descretionary revenue, which previously could have been use to fund horse processing plant inspections. However, the budget also included the USDA's request that Congress vote to prohibit the agency from using any of those federal funds to inspect U.S. horse processing plants
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