b'THE EMPATHETIC HORSE OWNERempathetic, we can help motivate themrepresenting an interaction. We cant cre- view, projecting as little human emotionand make the work more enjoyable. ate a world where we take the sun out ofand experience on him as possible. It Thompson agrees. For most people, tothe sky, Ashton says. There will alwaysrequires fine-line discernment between justify the expenses related to ownership,be aversivesdull coins, so to speak. Andthe extremes of too little empathy and too the horse has to have a job,she says.thats just part of life, whether human ormuch. With a healthy level of empathy, For example, I purchased a horse to doequine. What we can do is minimize thethough, our sources say we can make a dressage with. My horse had no say in it,aversives, help horses cope with thosepositive difference in our horses lives. and I feel conflicted about that. But I amaversives, and maximize the things thatIn many ways, your horse is like you. a realist, so I try to improve how I inter- make life attractivethe shiny coinsforHumans and horses are mammals, says act with my horse, how I train, how longthem.Thompson. But in many other ways, I train for, what methods I use, and whatwe are profoundly different. It is your kind of life she has in general. Take-Home Message responsibility to learn about your horses Ashton says she views the relation- When you have empathy for a horse,world, so that you know the similarities ship like a jar of coins, with every coinyoure trying to see his world from hisand the differences.hZylkenecan be used in any situationyou feelcreatesanxiousnessinE- e11Equine Zylkenehelps reduce environmentalstress for horses.[ ylkene ylkene uin e your horse and is ideal for helpinghorsesmaintaina normaldisposition duringperiodsof environmentalor situationalstress.A calmhorseis~- :.:::tf\' a morefocusedhorseand morereceptiveto training.Don\'t let stress:::.e, N""sneakup on you. Ask yourveterinarianaboutZylkeneEquine today.(t-"""O~ Backed by researchfor behavioralproblemmanagement.Recommendedfor situationalstressor behaviorproblemsin horsesand ponies.Promotesa sense of relaxationand mentalalertnesswithout drowsinessor tranquilizingeffects.Containsno prohibitedsubstances. 1.800.267.5707 www.barnchats.com E@ 26November 2019The Horse|TheHorse.comUntitled-17 26 9/25/19 9:38 AM'