b'CONTENTS VOL XXXVIINO. 1JANUARY 2020TheHorse.comFEATURES DEPARTMENTS5TRENDING NOW AT 10 What Type of Colic Is It? THEHORSE.COMA look at 14 kinds of equine colic and their prognoses. 6VIEWPOINT7READER SERVICES &OUR CONTRIBUTORS8MYTHS ABOUT COLIC SURGERY AAEP Forum > A veterinarian dispels four common rumors that often sway an owners decision to pursue surgery for a colicking horse.25FEEDING THE HORSE THAT WONT EAT Nutrition > Reasons your horse might turn his nose up at his meals and what you can do about it.28PODOTROCHLOSIS 101 Step by Step > The trials and frustrations of navicular disease. 31STALL FLOOR SETUPS Farm and Barn > How to choose, install, OA: Early Interventions and maintain your stall or shed floors 14to maximize horse comfort and chore Tackling osteoarthritis in its early stages can go a long way toward keepingconvenience. your horse sound, comfortable, and happy in his job for years to come.34 SHOPPERS PADDOCK &21ADVERTISING INDEXWhats Plaguing Your Problem Mare?If youre struggling to get a mare pregnant, heres how to work with yourveterinarian to resolve the most common issues.ON THE COVER COMING NEXT MONTH THE HORSES PARTNERSIN EQUINE HEALTHStal Flooring Early OA Intervention Podotrochlosis 101 COVER PHOTO:> Save That FoalMNE DOIFAF IPCAIRALTN AEAREP A BIANCA MCCARTY JANUARY 2020 | TheHorse.comPHOTOGRAPHY> Creating an Equine Asthma-ABOVE:Friendly Environment weva SHELLEY PAULSON > Managing Back and SIWHAT TYPE OF Joint PainCOLICIS IT?Plus CMOYLTIHCS S BUURSGTEERDY THE HORSE: YOUR GUIDE TO EQUINE HEALTH CARE Vol. XXXVII No. 1 (ISSN 1081-9711) is published monthly by The Horse Media Group LLC, 2365 Harrodsburg Rd #A200, Lexington KY 40504-3331. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, KY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Horse: Your Guide To Equine Health Care, 2365 Harrodsburg Rd #A200, Lexington KY 40504-3331. CIRCULATION QUERIES: Write us at the address given above. Annual subscription rates in U.S. Funds: United States, $24.00; Canada, $49.00 (includes GST and shipping); all others $65.00 (surface mail delivery) payable in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, or slides will be carefully handled, but the Publisher makes no guarantee of a reply and will not be responsible for their safety or return. Do not submit original photographs or slides. No part may be reproduced by any means without permission. 2020by The Horse Media Group LLC. THE HORSE: YOUR GUIDE TO EQUINE HEALTH CARE is a registered mark of The Horse Media Group LLC. Printed in the United States.4January 2020The Horse|TheHorse.comContents_Jan.indd 4 12/4/19 12:53 PM'