b'Table 3Fat-Soluble Vitamins Table 4Water-Soluble VitaminsVITAMIN FUNCTION COMMON SOURCE VITAMIN FUNCTION COMMON SOURCESupports enzymes neededMicrobial synthesisBeta-carotene, the precursorThiaminefor carbohydrate metabo- Cereal grains and Aids vision to vitamin A, found in(vitamin B1) lism and nervous systembyproduct feeds, such as Vitamin ASupports bone and muscle abundance in fresh pasturefunction brewers yeast(retinol) development and yellow vegetables like Facilitates fertility and reproduction corn and, most importantly,Precursor for enzymes carrots Riboflavinneeded in energy synthesisForages, especially legumes (alfalfa, clover)(vitamin B2) and protein and lipidMicrobial synthesismetabolismFacilitates calcium absorption fromNiacinSupports enzymes andForagesthe small intestine Exposure to sunlight coenzymes for energyMicrobial synthesisVitamin D (B-vitamin) metabolismPromotes calcium and phospho- Sun-cured hay rous homeostasis in bone BiotinSupports enzymes and cellFresh forages(B-vitamin) proliferation and growth Microbial synthesisAn antioxidant that works inVitamin E Fresh pasture Aids red blood cell synthesisconjunction with seleniumFolate Supports rapid cell growthGreen foragesand turnover in tissuesComponent in blood clotting Green, leafy foragesVitamin K Supports bone and skin health Possibly microbial synthesis Vitamin CSynthesized from glucose An antioxidant(ascorbic acid) in the liverTake-Home Message support all aspects of life, includingmicronutrients in your horses diet are The two micronutrient classes, miner- reproduction, performance, maintenance,meeting his daily needs. If hes deficient als and vitamins, are small but mightyand growth and development. Workin any area, you might need to add a con-valuable. These essential nutrientswith an equine nutritionist to ensure thecentrate or supplement to his ration. hTrying to balance themicronutrients in yourhorses diet? Ask your vet aboutNutrientWiseTMProvides the readily available micronutrients your horserequires to remain healthyand perform to theirmaximum potential. Developed by:Available only through your veterinarian. KPPvet.com, 859-873-2974TH 2019-09TheHorse.com | The HorseSeptember 201927'