b' Those of the ulnas olecranon pro- thats not sound. With a correct diagnosis cess, which is the point of the elbow.Dr. Dean Richardson will deliver theand stall rest, horses with incomplete Richardson estimates that 90% ofMilne Lecture at the 2019 Americanfractures of the radius can recover and go horses survive this common fracture,Association of Equine Practitionersback to full work with no problems. with many returning to full athleticConvention, taking place Dec. 7-11 inBut if you take that same horse and function. Denver, Colorado. Hell speak on surgi- think, Oh, thats nothing, and turn it out,Chip fractures, which surgeons cancal opportunities for equine fracturethats a horse that can come in with its ra-remove arthroscopically. You can haverepair and the associated importancedius completely separated and displaced a very high expectation that the horseof improving emergency management. or catastrophically fractured, and then goes back to full athletic soundness foryouve got a $15,000 to $20,000 (proce-many, many types of those, Richard- dure) with a poor expectation of a good son says. requiring surgery to fuse the affectedoutcome, he says. Fractures repaired surgically usingjoint to reconstruct it. The horse can lag screw fixation to compress frag- live a good life but might neverTake-Home Messagements together. In most cases thereturn to full athletic function, saysFracture repair in horses has come a hardware remains in the horse for hisRichardson. long way. Having a veterinarian splint the lifetime. These horses can return to full Open fractures. When you placeinjury properly in the field before trans-function. implants to stabilize a fracture thatsporting him to an emergency clinic isSimple fractures with simple repairs. contaminated, then the likelihood ofcritical to success, our sources say. With Fractures with poorer prognoseshaving an infection is almost guaran- advancements in treatment, many horses include: teed, says Goodrich.with fractures either return to partial orDisplaced radius (the forearm bone Complex fractures with complicatedcomplete athletic function or can be used extending down from the elbow)repairs. as breeding stock. This can provide horse fractures, which Richardson says areOne of Richardsons most importantowners with hope they can save their expensive and very difficult to repair. reminders to owners is to get radiographshorses and give them functional, happy,Moderate or severe articular fracturesfor any horse kicked above the kneeand comfortable lives. hIs your horse recoveringfrom a fracture or laid up with an injury? Ask your vet aboutBoneWise TMA unique source of calcium and minerals that support healing and maintainoptimal bone density. Developed by:Available only through your veterinarian. KPPvet.com, 859-873-2974TH 2019-09aTheHorse.com | The HorseSeptember 201933'