b"few people talk with their vets aboutbags to it. Attach the highline carefullyget caught on the saddle horn and cre-these things.to living trees, so as not to damageate a big wreck.Basic first aid for people is equallythem in the process. This restraintHobblesThis mechanical restraint important. In every class I teach, I askmethod is the gold standard in horseinvolves tethering one leg to the other who has a valid first-aid and CPR card,camping, says Eversole. However,to prevent horses from moving quickly. and very few raise their hand, he says.unless you have practiced it you canYou must train your horses to accept What we are doing recreationallyfitsrun into big problems if a knot fails, ifthem first. They are great but often on-the definition of extreme sports.horses get hung up, etc.ly slow a horse down until they decide Thus, riders must be prepared to takeNever tie a saddled horse to athey want to go fast, says Eversole, care of themselves, their horses, and oth- highline, Kane adds, as the lead canwho uses hobbles in the backcountry to ers on the trip. This includes wearing a helmet on every ride.If you already have a first-aid kit, Ever-sole suggests checking dates and replac-ing items that are old (even things like self-adhesive bandages, for instance, canCUTS. SADDLE WOUNDS. RINGWORM. wear out over time) or expired.SURGERY SITES. AND MORE.Equine Restraint OptionsOnce at the campsite, confinement becomes your next obstacle. There are many ways to contain your horses, and anything can be cruel or dangerous if your horses arent trained to it, says Eversole.Practice at home first, and teach your horse to safely stand tied and to have patience, says Mary Kane, a Maple Valley, Washington, rider who has held various officer positions with Back Country Horsemen of America (BCHA), a nonprofit that works to keep public lands open for equestrian use. Common confinement and restraint options include:Portable corralsYou can affix one of several types of lightweight portable metal corrals to the side of your horse trailer for traveling and set them up at your destination. Electric portable fencingThis effec-tive system includes temporary step-in fence posts and a battery charger. Consider what wildlife you might en- Help heal wounds and sorescounter before using this method; someTreat ringworm, girth itch, & fungal disorders animals might not be savvy to hot tapeClean coat and condition skinand could run right through it, allow- Free of steroids and antibioticsing your horses to escape, says Kane. Visit vetericyn.com to buy online or nd a store near you!Trailer high-tiesThese systems include a 4-foot pole that attaches to the trailerMANUFACTURERS COUPON EXPIRES: DECEMBER 31, 2019and extends out. While tethered to it your horse can move about and graze.$3.00 OFF Any ONE (1) Vetericyn Plus orVetericyn FoamCare Shampoo productTie horses shorter at night or when un-Consumer and Retailer: LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE OF SPECIFIED supervised so they dont get a leg over aPRODUCT AND QUANTITY STATED. NOT TO BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER COUPON(S). LIMIT OF TWO (2) IDENTICAL COUPONS IN SAME SHOPPING TRIP. long lead, says Kane. Void if expired, reproduced, altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, or exchanged WR\x1fDQ\\\x1fSHUVRQ\x1e\x1fUP\x1e\x1fRU\x1fJURXS\x1fSULRU\x1fWR\x1fVWRUH\x1fUHGHPSWLRQ\x1e\x1fRU\x1fZKHUH\x1fSURKLELWHG\x1fRU\x1fUHVWULFWHG\x1fHighliningThis method involvesE\\\x1fODZ\x1d\x1f$Q\\\x1fRWKHU\x1fXVH\x1fFRQVWLWXWHV\x1fIUDXG\x1d\x1f&RQVXPHU\x1c\x1f