b'CONTENTS VOL XXXVINO. 8AUGUST 2019TheHorse.comFEATURES DEPARTMENTS5 TRENDING NOW AT 14 Inside InformationTHEHORSE.COM 10 early warning signs that illness is brewing within your horse. 6 VIEWPOINT7 READER SERVICES & OUR CONTRIBUTORS8 NEWSFRONT10 LETTERS12 POTOMAC HORSE FEVER: A HAPPY OUTCOME AAEP Forum > A veterinarian walks us through diagnosing and treating this infectious disease.32 A QUICK GUIDE TO MACRONUTRIENTS Nutrition > Understanding the roles of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the equine diet.36 SIDELINED Sports Medicine >Learn the signs, treatments, and prognoses of four com-mon Western performance horse injuries. 20 Smart and Safe Horse Camping Top tips to prepare for a horse camping trip. 50 FLY SHEETS IN SUMMER Farm Call > Find out when its too hot for 27 EHV-1: Then and Now fly sheets, plus senior horse advice. Research developments, biosecurity practices, and vaccination recommenda-tions that have come out of recent equine herpesvirus outbreaks. 49 SHOPPERS PADDOCK & ADVERTISING INDEXON THE COVER COMING NEXT MONTH THE HORSES PARTNERSIN EQUINE HEALTHCamping With Horses Western Performance Injuries MacronutrientsCOVER PHOTO:> Bringing Your Horse HomeA SHELLEY PAULSON MNE DOFIAF IPCAIRALTN AEAREP A ThUeGHUoSrTs e2.0c1om9 > Eye Injuries: When Is It an ABOVE:Emergency?ISTOCK.COM weva > Managing Limb FracturesININSFIDOE INT1E0R NSAIGL NILSL NOEF SSTHE HORSE: YOUR GUIDE TO EQUINE HEALTH CARE Vol. XXXVI No. 8 (ISSN 1081-9711) is published monthly by The Horse Media Group LLC, 2365 Harrodsburg Rd #A200, Lexington KY 40504-3331. Periodicals postage paid at Lexington, KY, and at additional mailing ofces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Horse: Your Guide To Equine Health Care, 2365 Harrodsburg Rd #A200, Lexington KY 40504-3331. CIRCULATION QUERIES: Write us at the address given above. Annual subscription rates in U.S. Funds: United States, $24.00; Canada, $49.00 (includes GST and shipping); all others $65.00 (surface mail delivery) payable in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Unsolicited manuscripts, photographs, or slides will be carefully handled, but the Publisher makes no guarantee of a reply and will not be responsible for their safety or return. Do not submit original photographs or slides. No part may be reproduced by any means without permission. 2019 by The Horse Media Group LLC. THE HORSE: YOUR GUIDE TO EQUINE HEALTH CARE is a registered mark of The Horse Media Group LLC. Printed in the United States.4August 2019The Horse | TheHorse.com'