Equine Tapeworms Free Special Report Now Available on TheHorse.com
Horse owners and hands-on care providers can now learn more about equine tapeworms and how to prevent the problems they cause in horses in a free special report available on TheHorse.com and sponsored by Pfizer Animal Health. Why should you care about tapeworms or oribatid mites? Because the former can threaten your horse’s life, and he acquires them by eating the latter.
Download this free PDF report: “Tapeworms Uncovered” or visit TheHorse.com and look under Special Reports in the left-hand toolbar.
About Tapeworms:
Tapeworms can cause problems in two ways: They cause inflammation in the gut lining where they attach, and if large quantities of tapeworms are present, they can actually block passage of food through the GI tract. Tapeworms also have been linked in research to ileocecal intussusceptions (telescoping of the intestine into itself), ileal impaction colic, and spasmodic (gas) colic
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