Safety Considerations for Bisphosphonate Use in Horses
Healing With Horsepower
Understanding Pedunculated Lipomas in Horses
PPID, ID, or Both? Diagnosing Equine Endocrine Disorders
The Effects of Longeing on Your Horse’s Joints
Feeding Horses During Winter Letdown
Rules for Feeding Horses Forage
Tackling Equine Gastric Ulcers
Investigating Prebiotics’ Role in Managing Equine Leaky Gut
Benefits of Extruded Horse Feeds
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Managing Horse Wounds for Optimal Healing
In this roundtable discussion led by Dr. Julia Miller, experts cover common horse wounds, complications with healing, and effective treatment options. Sponsored by Zarasyl.

AAEP Preview: SmartPak Gastric Support
SmartPak’s SmartGut Ultra supplement is backed by peer-reviewed research. Visit their booth at AAEP to win these gastric support packs.

AAEP Preview: Bionote USA
Bionote USA offers veterinarians multiple critical biomarker tests that can all be run through a single analyzer to reduce the time needed to obtain test results.

The Truth Is in the Tissue: Visualizing, Diagnosing, and Treating Synovial Joints with ArthramidVet®
During Dr. Cooper Williams’ Sunrise Session presentation at the AAEP Convention, he’ll describe the use of 2.5% polyacrylamide gel in equine joints and how diagnostic imaging guides his decision-making.

Ask a Pro: Green Bananas—The Equine Gut Superfood
Equine nutritionist, founder, and managing director of Equinutritive, Alexandra Frazer, explains how green bananas provide powerful, natural support for the equine gut.

Drugs, Devices, and Decisions: Understanding Your Options in Managing Equine Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD)
Dr. Avi Blake describes equine degenerative joint disease, how it occurs, clinical signs, diagnostics, and treatment options. Sponsored by American Regent Animal Health.

Read our Current Issue of The Horse
Unlock exclusive content including the latest and most reliable news and information regarding equine health, care, management, and welfare through our magazine and
- Advanced Reproductive Techniques and Their Impacts
- Research-Based Advances in Equine Orthopedic Therapies
- Preserving Equine Health: The Art of Judicious Antibiotic Use
- Pain Management: What the Latest Studies Tell Us
- Infographic: Osteoarthritis in the Hind Limb: Diagnosis & Management
- The Skinny on Slow Feeders
- Why is Your Horse Roaring and Whistling?