15 Facts About Breeding Sport Horses
- Posted by Michelle Anderson

The basic mechanics of breeding performance mares and stallions are no different than with any other horse. And, today, assisted reproductive techniques—such as embryo transfer or artificial insemination with fresh or frozen semen—are used throughout much of the horse industry.
However, the sport horse’s specialized career and competitive demands can make finding time for making babies tough. With those challenges in mind, settling a successful show mare (or her surrogate) and collecting viable semen from a highly sought-after performance stallion is often well worth the investment for owners.
Learn about breeding sport horse mares and stallions in this special report, and don’t forget to watch Dr. Etta Bradecamp’s presentation “Sport Horse Reproduction: Challenges and Solutions,” which is part of our Vet On Demand lecture series organized in partership with University of Kentucky’s Gluck Equine Research Center.

Written by:
Michelle Anderson
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