No Charges Filed in Corolla Wild Horse Death
- Topics: Welfare and Industry
Currituck County, North Carolina, authorities have declined to file charges in connection with the death of a mare from the Corolla Wild Horse Herd.
Sheriff Matthew W. Beickert said that around 10 p.m. on June 9 a Virginia Beach resident was traveling between 20 and 25 miles per hour in a 20.5 mile-per-hour zone when four or five Corolla horses ran from the dunes across the beach toward the water. One of the horses made contact with vehicle’s the front left tire, he said, and died at the scene.
“The weather conditions were foggy and visibility was low during this time frame,” Beickert said. “At this time, no charges will be filed.”
In a social media post, the Corolla Wild Horse Fund reminded motorists to be aware of the horses’ presence
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