Aleta Walther

Articles by: Aleta Walther

What’s on the Horizon for Parasite Control

Among the plethora of studies and research dedicated to improving equine health, the war against internal parasites has made some of the biggest strides. The most effective dewormer to result from the last 20 years of research is Ivermectin. Tha

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When the Chips are Down: Equine Identification

Using microchip technology as a form of equine identification is quite popular in Europe. However, the widespread use of electronic identification systems for tracking diseased or stolen horses, show horses, or horses in transit has been slow to

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Colostrum: Nothing Better Than Mother’s Milk

There might be ongoing debate as to the value of a woman’s colostrum versus commercial colostrum products, but for a foal, nothing is better than a mare’s milk. Colostrum is specialized milk secreted during the first 24 hours following birth and

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Evaluating Placentas Can Pinpoint Potential Problems

Although common knowledge among veterinarians, few horse owners know that the condition of a mare’s placenta following birth is a useful barometer for gauging the health of a newborn foal. If the placenta appears abnormal, the foal could be at

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The Farm’s First-Aid Kit

Most horse owners equip their barns, stables, and trailers with an equine first-aid kit. However, most of these kits are either overstocked or inadequately maintained. Outdated drugs, contaminated ointments, and irritating medications can do mor

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