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Grandin Discusses Animal Welfare at LSU

Temple Grandin, PhD, was the featured speaker at the Louisiana State University (LSU) School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM) on Jan. 26 when she gave her presentation entitled, “Animals and Autism.” She discussed proper handling of large animals, including horses, and how her autism helps her understand how animals think.

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The Non-Pregnant Mare: 10th International Symposium on Equine Reproduction Recap

The 10th International Symposium on Equine Reproduction July 26-30 at the University of Kentucky was presented in four sessions: the non-pregnant mare, the stallion, conception and early development, and the pregnant mare and perinatology. Dale Paccamonti, DVM, Dipl. ACT, professor and head of the department of veterinary clinical sciences, school of veterinary medicine at Louisiana State Un

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Horseback Riding Survey Shows Many Don’t Wear Helmets

A recent University of Kentucky (UK) HealthCare survey found that 60% of Kentucky horseback riding respondents did not wear any safety apparel the last time they went riding. “Many riders who have been injured say that they feel that those injuries were preventable,” said Fernanda Camargo, DMV, PhD, equine extension professor at UK. “Wearing a helmet and paying atte

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Basic Conditioning of the Equine Athlete

Basic conditioning of the equine athlete involves consideration of the event in which the horse will be competing, the level of competition that you expect the horse to achieve, the time you have in which to condition the horse, and the horse’s previous conditioning for the event. The goal of any basic conditioning program is to enhance the psychological and the physical respo

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One in a Million: Part 2

Genetic testing has shown Dunbars Gold, a 1996 brindle Quarter Horse stallion, to be an extremely rare chimera, an individual with two DNA types. Of the more than 4.7 million American Quarter Horses registered with AQHA (excluding appendix horses), the registration department has a list of only 15 horses who have exhibited some form of the brindle coat pattern.

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One in a Million, Part 1

Genetic testing has shown Dunbars Gold, a 1996 brindle Quarter Horse stallion, to be an extremely rare chimera, an individual with two DNA types. Of the more than 4.7 million American Quarter Horses registered with AQHA (excluding appendix horses), the registration department has a list of only 15 horses who have exhibited some form of the brindle coat pattern.

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WEG Horse Feed Plan Emphasizes Consistency

With approximately 700 horses from dozens of countries anticipated for the upcoming Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG), feed management represents a vital part of the plan to ensure these elite athletes maintain optimal health and welfare throughout the competition. An elaborate plan is in place to make sure there’s as little disruption to their normal feeding program as possible.

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Louisville Horse Breeders’ Seminar Postponed Due to Weather

The University of Kentucky Equine Initiative and the Kentucky Quarter Horse Association are partnering for a third year to bring Kentucky horse owners and breeders an educational seminar featuring guest speakers who will touch on many different topics related to the horse industry. Those topics include a discussion about the horse owner of the future; pasture management; marketing; hea

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Second Surgery Possible for Shot Massachusetts Horse

“Picaro,” the horse from Spencer, Mass., brought last week to the Cummings School’s Hospital for Large Animals at Tufts University with gunshot wounds, will undergo additional testing and a possible second surgery today.

A surgery on Friday to remove bullets from Picaro’s head revealed that the horse

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Third Eyelid Tumors Require Prompt Vet Attention

Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common cancers in horses. Commonly appearing as small, wartlike bumps on the eyelid or surface of the eye, they require early treatment. While a conscientious owner might quickly notice a new lump on the shoulder of his or her equine friend, even the most watchful horseperson will miss a concealed third eyelid tumor.


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Horses: In Living Color

Get a behind-the-scenes look at award-winning photographer Barbara D. Livingston as she recounts the inspiration for her latest project, Horses: In Living Color. (2:19)

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Equine Surgeon Will Examine Better Ways to Treat Lameness with MAF Grant

Jennifer Barrett, DVM, MS, PhD, an assistant professor of equine surgery at Virginia Tech’s Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center, was recently awarded a grant from the Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) to conduct research that will help determine better ways to treat lameness in horses, as well as other animal species, such as dogs.

Barrett’s research will focus on how to regenerate

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R.M. Kenney Students Present at Equine Reproduction Symposium

Texas A&M researchers Terry Blanchard, DVM, MS, Katrin Hinrichs, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACT, and Charles Love, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACT, led lectures and wet labs at the “R. M. Kenney Equine Reproduction Symposium,” held from Sept. 24-27 at the University of Pennsylvania. Organized in memory of Robert M. Kenney, DVM (1924-2008), a luminary in the field of equine fertility and reproduction, the

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