Bob Coleman, PhD

Bob Coleman, PhD, grew up showing horses and harness ponies in Brandon, Manitoba. He worked as an animal nutritionist for two feed companies in Western Canada before joining the Alberta Horse Industry Branch, where he worked for 18 years as the provincial extension horse specialist. He is currently an associate extension professor in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences in the College of Agriculture at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.

Articles by: Bob Coleman, PhD

Horses Grazing Oat Pastures

Can horses be turned out on an oat pasture if it is dried up and not green? The oats have already been harvested, and we turn cattle out to graze the leavings, but is it okay for horses?

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Cold Weather Challenges for Horses With Osteoarthritis

Winter Care for Older Horses

Owners must consider how they will meet their older horses’ nutrient requirements during the winter. Providing adequate energy is the prime concern, and how you will provide those extra calories depends on available feed and each horse’s needs.

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Over the Northern Border

In this month’s issue of The Horse, certain parts of the Canadian horse industry are highlighted. While the industry is smaller in total horse numbers when compared to the U.S. horse population, it is no less active.

Changes to certain

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Ten Tips for Feeding Horses

Feeding horses can take up a great deal of time and money. Yet the subject is often not given the attention it deserves. Here are some tips and best practices for feeding your horses.

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