Ernie Bailey, MS, PhD

Ernest Bailey, MS, PhD, is a professor at the University of Kentucky’s Gluck Equine Research Center, in Lexington. Bailey’s research investigates genetic influences on horses’ innate and adaptive immune systems, which protect animals from infectious diseases. His other interests include the development of the genetic map for horses and investigation of genes involved in the horse health, such as those that might cause contracted tendons, extreme lordosis, and dwarfism.

Articles by: Ernie Bailey, MS, PhD

Genomics and Infectious Disease

Genomics is in its infancy, and we have a lot to learn. But have no doubt, its impact on equine infectious diseases will be as great as that of vaccination and antibiotics.

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Genome Sequencing

In 1991, Eliane Marti, Dr. Med. Vet., published a study as a graduate student in Switzerland, showing that chronic hypersensitivity bronchitis (a.k.a. heaves) had a strong hereditary component among Swiss horses. She meticulously defined the

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