Nick Hartog, a founding member of the NASC Board of Directors, has been an advocate of raising ethical and manufacturing standards in the equine supplement industry. Prior to his involvement with NASC, Mr. Hartog was the founder and President of the National Association of Equine Supplement Manufacturers, a nonprofit group founded in 1999 with the goal of raising standards in the equine supplement industry. The NAESM combined with NASC in 2003. Currently, he is President and co-owner of Grand Meadows Nutritional Supplements, Inc., a company he joined in 1997. A fierce advocate of improving standards, Mr. Hartog is a frequent source for articles about the equine supplement industry and has written for magazines such as Equus, North West Horse Source and The Horse. Prior to joining Grand Meadows, Mr. Hartog was a distributor for Rio Vista Equine Products on the east coast. Born in London, he earned a degree in economics at Balliol College in Oxford.