Deworming Foals
Should a foal be dewormed during its first 6 months of life? Dr. Wendy Vaala responds. This podcast is from the Equine Life Stages: Foals Q&A audio event.
Should a foal be dewormed during its first 6 months of life? Dr. Wendy Vaala responds. This podcast is from the Equine Life Stages: Foals Q&A audio event.
What impact can a mare going through her “foal heat” have on her foal? Dr. Wendy Vaala responds. This podcast is from the Equine Life Stages: Foals Q&A audio event.
Do foals, especially those born early in the season or in cold climates, need to wear blankets? Dr. Wendy Vaala responds. This podcast is from the Equine Life Stages: Foals Q&A audio event.
How often should you check on a broodmare to see if she’s in labor? Dr. Wendy Vaala answers in this podcast is from the Equine Life Stages: Foals Q&A audio event.
This is our first year foaling out mares. One of the two is a maiden. What do we need to have on hand? Dr. Wendy Vaala answers this question in this podcast segment from the Equine Life Stages: Foals Q&A.
Birth to 6 months is a time of rapid change for foals. Nutrition, disease prevention, and much more are all vital to foal health. Learn how to help your young one thrive and get your questions answered during our hour-long special event!
A foal’s first six months of life are full of change. Learn about normal foal development, health risks, and quiz your knowledge in this special report.
What is your opinion on giving half-doses of routine vaccinations to horses with EPM? I’ve read that a half-dose of vaccine in an adult horse is worthless. My horse has already received half-doses of everything. What can I do to protect him?
This hour-long video presentation features advice on identifying and managing resistant parasites.
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