Latest News – The Horse
U.S., EU Sign Veterinary Equivalency Agreement To Facilitate Trade
Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman today announced that the United States has signed a new agreement with the European Union, paving the way for mutual recognition of animal health systems and easier resolution of related
Equine Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy Offered At Purdue
A new, non-invasive veterinary treatment utilizing high pressure waves to alleviate equine bone and tendon ailments—including navicular disease and degenerative joint disease of the lower hock joints—was initiated at the
EEE In Horse & Ratite Populations In Louisiana
The deaths of about 200 emus in mid-June come on the heels of nine horse deaths within a multi-parish area during the past eight weeks all confirmed to be caused by Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE).
Bequest to Penn’s Vet School will Support Equine and Canine Research
A $9.8 million gift to the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine from the estate of Isabel (Mrs. Alan R.) Robson will enhance the school’s ability to educate future veterinarians while conducting cutting-edge equine and canine
New Hay And Fescue Education Brochures Available To Horse Owners
Ensuring your horse is consuming essential nutrients — and staying away from grasses that look nutritious but can pose a health risk — are the topics of two new client-education brochures published by the American Association of Equine
British Horse Society Warns Of Dangers Of Ragwort In Hay
The British Horse Society has issued a warning to all horse owners to beware of ragwort in hay. With a high prevalence of ragwort last summer, it is virtually impossible to guarantee that hay is completely ragwort free.
North Dakota Horse Owners Alerted Of EIA
Several recent, confirmed cases of equine infectious anemia (EIA) are a warning to North Dakota horse owners to be aware of the possibility that their horses may have contacted the disease, says the state
Wash Racks And Stalls
If you board at a big, commercial show barn, you probably have access to a wash rack. Ditto if your horse boards at a racing barn. What a convenience wash racks are. Instead of spending hours brushing off dirt, muck, and sweat, or hosing off you
Thyroid Glands in Horses
A properly functioning thyroid gland is highly important to a horse’s good health. That much is easy. From there it gets more difficult and complex. Knowing when the thyroid gland is in a state of dysfunction is not easy to determine.
Transportation Safety for Horses
Nearly every horse owner has trailered a horse from point A to point B. Many horse owners do it on a regular
Cool Aid: Beating the Heat With Working Horses
Anyone who has worked or played in high heat knows how exhausting it can be. High, fluid-sapping desert heat can drain you in no time as you sweat away volumes of fluids and electrolytes. Then there’s the suppressive, sweaty,
The Problem With Drugs
Even though the weather in California is beautiful, you’ve got a horse that’s not acting quite himself. This 2-year-old colt has a fever, has been depressed, has gone off feed, and isn’t tearing the barn down as usual. You know he’s got a
Ration Balancing Made Easy
Don’t panic. That’s probably the most helpful thing I can say about calculating the balance of nutrients in your horse’s diet. Most people are perfectly comfortable speaking about calcium or vitamin E levels in the abstract sense, but when
Breakdown Breakthrough
New research has identified a promising diagnostic technique that should decrease the incidence of breakdowns of elite equine athletes at the track and help save the lives of young foals with infections at the breeding farm.
Equine Infectious Anemia In Alberta, Canada
Equine infectious anemia (EIA), a deadly equine virus carried by horseflies and mosquitoes, has forced veterinarians to destroy more than 120 horses in Alberta, Canada, this year, a federal agency says.