Foal Care

What's New With Weaning?

What’s New With Weaning Foals?

As you consider ways you can help your foal—and his dam—through the weaning process, examine proven methods based on research findings to formulate a plan.

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The Best Defense: Maximizing Foal Immunity

Newborn foals are easy targets for every kind of bacterium, virus, and other pathogenic organism. Here are some steps you can take to maximize your foal’s immunity from gestation to weaning.

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Developmental Dental Disorders in Horses

New Imaging Technique for Parrot Mouth in Foals

German researchers found foals can spontaneously correct their own overjets (parrot mouth) within a year. However, they also found that foals born without overjets can develop them within the first few months of life.

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equine rotavirus; r. equi; Sick Newborn Foal at Hospital, assessing foals' fluid volume

10 R. equi Resources on

Rhodococcus equi is the most serious cause of pneumonia in 1- to 4-month-old foals. Learn more about this potentially deadly pathogen and how to protect your foals with these resources on

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