Body Condition


Is Your Horse Enrolled In A Wellness Program

A wellness program for your horse will save you time, money, and most of all the headache of worrying if you’re doing the right things at the right time. But with all the sources of horse health care information available today, how do you decid

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Shaping Up Your Overweight Horse

When preparing a horse for athletic events and sporting activities, whatever the discipline or level of difficulty, an important consideration is finding the horse’s ideal body weight. This concept is well recognized in human athletics. For”P>When preparing a horse for athletic events and sporting activities, whate

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At Home On The Range: Dude Horses

While many of our horses do some kind of work for a living, the work usually consists of a couple of hours a day, three to five days a week. Many of our horses are ridden far less than that, and we don’t really think of them as working for”P>While many

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Weighing In

Accepted wisdom in the horse world tells us that an average light horse weighs about 1,000 pounds, or 450 kg. A draft horse, upwards of double that. But does that rather arbitrary figure really mean anything? After all, what is an “average” horse?

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What Causes Poor Exercise Performance?

A huge amount of time, effort, and money often are invested in the preparation of horses for various athletic events, including Thoroughbred and Standardbred racing, three-day eventing, steeplechasing, dressage, hunter-jumper events, reining,

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Health Scheduling

For first-time horse owners, getting a new horse can border on the overwhelming. You have to find a suitable boarding barn or create adequate stabling on your own property and buy tack, grooming equipment, cooling sheets and/or blankets. Yo

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Peak Fitness

In the last issue we considered some of the adaptations that occur in horses during training. To recap, we know that improvements in cardiovascular and muscle function occur quite quickly after the onset of training

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Spring Tuning (Athletic Conditioning)

Most will agree that thorough preparation of a horse is key to success in athletic competition. With spring hopefully just around the corner, this is an opportune time to discuss conditioning. Of course, the nature of a conditioning program will

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Body Fuel

The importance of nutrition for optimization of athletic performance cannot be overemphasized.

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Pros and Cons of Feeding Horses Beet Pulp

Feeding Beet Pulp

I need to put weight on my skinny Thoroughbred. Would beet pulp be a good addition to my horse’s diet?

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