Quarter Horses


Agricultural Guidelines for Horse Operations Published

Rutgers Cooperative Extension and the Rutgers Equine Science Center have published the eagerly awaited Agricultural Management Practices for Commercial Equine Operations.

Considered to be the first comprehensive set of guidelines in th”P>Rutgers Cooperative Extension and the Rutgers Equine Science Center have published the eagerly awaited Agricultural Management Practices f”>Rutgers Cooperative Extension and

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Online Paint Horse Registration Begins

Paint horse breeders will come face to face with advanced technology beginning today (May 10), when the American Paint Horse Association (APHA) takes an industry lead and unveils an innovative online horse registration program for its members.

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Tying-Up in Horses: Causes and Management

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the specific causes of exertional rhabdomyolysis (ER) or tying-up, along with methods that can be used to prevent repeat episodes. of tying-up in horses. predisposed to recurrences.

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