Ward Off Winter
If you live where you have changing seasons, winter is a challenge. While you might be partial to winter weather and the recreational pleasures it provides, you probably also appreciate the many problems it creates for you at the
If you live where you have changing seasons, winter is a challenge. While you might be partial to winter weather and the recreational pleasures it provides, you probably also appreciate the many problems it creates for you at the
The Polytrack experiment at Turfway Park was deemed a success–especially for safety reasons–at the conclusion of the 22-day summer/fall meet, though the Northern Kentucky racetrack expects to get a more accurate picture of the synthetic surfac
Most outdoor horses are better off without blankets, but a blanket can help keep a horse comfortable when trailering, during a severe winter storm, or when a horse is sick and having trouble staying warm.
A horse’s nutrient requirements increase with cold weather; he needs more calories to generate heat to keep warm.
Give your horse longer warm-up and cooling-out time in cold weather to prevent tendon injury. Frozen ground, cold temperatures, and stiff tendons (not warmed up) can result in damage or even a bowed tendon.
Some of the skin problems that can plague a horse in winter are ringworm, lice, and mites.
Summer might still be going strong where you are, but we all know that sooner or later winter will be on its way, bringing shorter days, colder temperatures, and in many regions, snow and ice. For horse owners, winter is a true test of one’s
Have you heard of horses getting colic from frozen sweet feeds?
It is well-accepted that the foal losses and other problems seen in several states in the spring of 2001 were triggered by environmental factors, meaning weather. Farmers and livestock managers have known for years that weather conditions affect the
How can you tell if you horse has frostbite, and what should you do if your horse has frostbite?
It will be late January when you receive this issue of the magazine. Winter already has been tough on many of us, and on our horses.
Winter weather can be responsible for stress that compromises a horse’s health.
All blankets are not created equal. This is especially true for blanket manufacturing company Rose America Corp., which discovered blankets they didn’t make were being sold in packages bearing a photo copied directly from Rose America packaging.
On long winter nights, would our horses rather be outside or warm and dry in a barn?
Horse blanket manufacturers have taken advantage of many of the warm, lightweight fabrics developed for skiers, incorporating them into stormproof, windproof, chafeproof, practically bulletproof creations which, while marvels of engineering, can put
I’ve heard it’s necessary to give horses warm water in the winter. Is this true? And if so, how warm should it be?
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