Veterinary Technicians

firocoxib for colic; what to expect after colic surgery; the vet tech's role in colic surgery; Repeat Colic Surgeries Don't Always Have a Poor Prognosis

The Vet Tech’s Role in Colic Surgery

Veterinary technicians make important contributions before, during, and after colic surgery. Here’s how they help veterinarians and surgeons during these potentially life-saving procedures.

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High-Tech Equine Research

High-Tech Equine Research

Find out how equine researchers are using the latest gadgets and gizmos to diagnose lameness, collect data, and more.

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genomics applications in the horse industry; Equine Genetics: Looking to the Future

The UK Genetic Testing and Research Lab

Do you want to know if your broodmare carries a serious genetic disease? Are you curious about your horse’s color? Or do you need to confirm parentage on a horse? Learn about equine genetic testing available from the University of Kentucky.

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