Purina Mills and ELCR Celebrate “Saving Our Horse Country”
Purina Mills and the Equestrian Land Conservation Resource (ELCR) are collaborating to save open spaces for horses and their owners.
This unique partnership was developed when Purina Mills Marketing Manager Dr. Scott King approached
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Purina Mills and the Equestrian Land Conservation Resource (ELCR) are collaborating to save open spaces for horses and their owners.
This unique partnership was developed when Purina Mills Marketing Manager Dr. Scott King approached Equestrian Land Conservation Resource to find ways that Purina could be proactive in helping ELCR’s mission.
Dr. King worked with Executive Director of ELCR Kandee Haertel to provide opportunities for ELCR to be involved in the Purina Mills Horse Owner’s Workshop (HOW), which will give ELCR the opportunity to reach tens of thousands of horse owners with an urgent message about getting involved to stem the loss of access to land for horses.
“The relationship with Purina Mills is a perfect fit,” said Haertel. “No land is safe from poorly planned development. From 1982-2002, the U.S. lost 197 acres of grazing land every hour. Every aspect of horse ownership is impacted by the devastating loss of land–riding trails and competition areas are lost and hay prices go up
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