Equine Infectious Anemia Found in North Carolina Mule
A 14-year-old female mule in Johnston County, North Carolina, has tested positive for equine infectious anemia (EIA).
The disease was discovered during a routine blood test by the North Carolina Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, in Raleigh, and confirmed by the USDA. This is the first new case of EIA documented in North Carolina since 2005.
“The Johnston County facility is under a quarantine order that restricts movement of equine until further testing is completed by the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services,” said Michael Neault, DVM, director of livestock and animal health programs. “Because the disease is not curable, the affected mule has been euthanized. The remaining equines at the facility were tested and were negative for EIA. They will be observed and retested in 60 days, and we are monitoring neighboring facilities for the disease.”
Equine infectious anemia is an incurable disease most commonly spread between equids, such as horses, mules, and donkeys, in close proximity to biting flies and ticks. Clinical signs of EIA include fever, weakness, weight loss, anemia, edema, and death; however, not all affected equids show clinical signs. All infected equids, including those that are asymptomatic, are carriers of the disease
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