It has no cure. Diagnostic options are limited. And it affects a large proportion of senior horses. But fortunately, it’s treatable. This disease is pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID, or equine Cushing’s disease). We’ve searched through our archives and compiled 10 resources to help raise your PPID IQ.

Article: Cushing’s Characteristics, Clinical Signs at Diagnosis Researchers sought to evaluate clinical signs of PPID in a pair of recent studies. In doing so, they confirmed some suspected patterns in clinical signs and identified others they considered surprising. Read More 

Farm Call: What Causes Equine Cushing’s Disease? Find out what causes PPID and why it seems so prevalent in our horses. Read More

Article: PPID Risk Factors in Horses Studied Researchers evaluated aging horses with and without PPID, and narrowed down a few risk factors for the disease. Does your horse have any of the risk factors?

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