When Broodmares Colic
Post-foaling colic is a significant threat for mares. Dr. Anthony Blikslager describes what to look for and how to respond if your mare colics following foaling.

Photo: Anne M. Eberhardt/The Horse
Post-foaling colic is a significant threat for mares. Dr. Anthony Blikslager describes what to look for and how to respond if your mare colics following foaling.
Post-foaling colic is a significant threat for mares. Dr. Anthony Blikslager describes what to look for and how to respond if your mare colics following foaling.4/24/2018 14:00
This podcast is an excerpt from our Ask TheHorse Live Q&A, “Equine Colic: Early Intervention Saves Lives.” Listen to the full recording here.

Anthony Blikslager, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVS, is a professor of equine surgery and gastroenterology at North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. His research interest is gastrointestinal physiology in horses, studying the mechanisms of injury and repair in the gut with the clinical outlook of enhancing recovery of horses with colic.
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