The Horse, Sweet PDZ Stall Freshener Team for Asthma Awareness Week

Poor air quality isn’t just a concern for human respiratory health. In fact, our horse’s respiratory systems are especially sensitive to air contaminant exposure. Barn ammonia, arena dust, wildfire smoke, airborne allergens, and smog pose long-term threats to equine health, as do mold and dust in hay. Poor air quality is a welfare issue and can lead to diminished performance and even chronic equine asthma. To help bring awareness to the importance of equine asthma, we at The Horse have partnered with Sweet PDZ Stall Freshener for Asthma Awareness Week. We’ll be posting articles the week of April 26, 2021, to help educate horse owners about equine respiratory health.
Look for equine-asthma-related content all week on, our Facebook page and Twitter feed, and in our e-newsletters.

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