The average horse person enjoys the pleasant surprise when he or she turns on the television and sees horses performing, whether it be in a reining competition or a grand prix jumping event. ESPN and similar networks are devoting more time to horse events, but there is not much time spent helping the audience understand the behind-the-scenes care of horses or what makes a horse and rider team.

Victory Productions, a company based in Byrdstown, Tenn., is introducing Horse-N-Around, a program which will portray these aspects of the horse industry. The program is scheduled to begin airing across the country on PBS in September. Victory Productions also is marketing the program to Animal Planet in hope of airing it on the Discovery Channel. Horse-N-Around will focus on equestrian education as well as entertainment. Such topics as grooming techniques, riding and showing tips, health care, and information for young riders will be featured.

“We’re going to try and service the novice and the professional. There will be a lot of information for the first owner, and people who have had horses for awhile will get something out of it, too,” says Cathy Alexander, the show’s producer.

Horse-N-Around is working closely with Cindy Johnson, DVM, of Dogwood Animal Hospital in Jamestown, Tenn. Johnson will educate viewers on horse care from the practitioner’s perspective, from foal care to nutrition. In the first episode, Johnson will review the pre-purchase exam

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