A War Sans Cavalry: Horse Ownership in the Age of COVID-19

Our international reporter based in France shares her experiences during confinement and seeks clarity on official guidelines for horse care and welfare.
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A War Sans Calvary: Horse Ownership in the Age of COVID-19
As a fellow owner, I hope I can do my part in fighting this war, keeping my animals and my family healthy. | Photo: Christa Lesté-Lasserre
My daughter is making crepes in the kitchen.

The windows are open. A quiet breeze flutters in. The sun reflects off the shiny backs of my bay and black Trakehners in their grassy field behind my house. It’s a peaceful scene, and in any other situation it might be an idyllic holiday in the French countryside.

But that’s not what this is. This is Day 8 of official confinement in France due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the government orders just got stricter as of Tuesday (March 24). This isn’t peace. “We’re at war,” President Emmanuel Macron said again and again and again, like a battle drum during his stately speech telling his 70 million citizens that, until further notice, they can’t leave their homes except for the “essentials”—food, mainly, or health care, or “tending to the needs of your companion animals.”

We can’t go out without release papers that state our address, reason for being out, and the time we left home. Police controls are happening everywhere, and first offenses are punished by $US150 fines. As of Tuesday, second offenses carry a fine of $US1,800, and third offenses are punishable by a $US4,200 fine and up to six months in jail

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Passionate about horses and science from the time she was riding her first Shetland Pony in Texas, Christa Lesté-Lasserre writes about scientific research that contributes to a better understanding of all equids. After undergrad studies in science, journalism, and literature, she received a master’s degree in creative writing. Now based in France, she aims to present the most fascinating aspect of equine science: the story it creates. Follow Lesté-Lasserre on Twitter @christalestelas.

One Response

  1. Most interesting and disappointing. In my retirement my beloved equine companions are my life. I haven’t ridden for a great many years but to do without equine companionship is utterly unthinkable. Unless/until humans and their intitutions regard non-humans as ‘equals’ our world will remain diseased and in turmoil. I feel deeply for those that truly appreciate, love and need their equine companions to maintain their sanity…

    ~”It is said that only those who believe in unicorns can see their horn. Belief is a powerful experience, for without it, most dreams would not be realized…” – Kim McElroy~

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