Does Electric Fencing Stress Horses?
Researchers found no notable differences in horses' stress parameters when in paddocks constructed from electric or wood fencing. | Photo: iStock
If you’ve ever worried whether electric fencing is welfare-friendly, you can put your mind at ease. New research from Switzerland has revealed that the threat of electric shock from electrical fencing doesn’t cause your horses to stress.

However, most horses will maintain a greater distance from an electric fence compared to a wooden fence, researchers say. And that could impact the total usable space of your paddocks.

“Horses will stand close to wooden fencing, but they don’t like to go near electric fences, so by using an electric fence you’re limiting your horse’s turnout area to a certain extent,” said Dominik Burger, DVM, a scientist at the Swiss Institute of Equine Medicine (University of Bern and Agroscope), in Avenches. Burger co-authored a recent study on the topic with Rupert M. Bruckmaier, DVM, PhD, professor at the Vetsuisse Faculty at the University of Bern, Switzerland, and other Swiss researchers.

In their study, the team looked at 20 horses aged 6 to 18 years as they spent time in different-sized paddocks fenced with either electric ribbons or wooden boards. Small paddocks measured 12.25 m² (125 ft²), and large paddocks measured 36 m² (360 ft²). The scientists monitored the horses’ heart rate, heart rate variability, and salivary cortisol levels throughout the experiment. They also observed how the horses used the available paddock area and their behavior, primarily for signs of stress

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