How FormaHoof (and a lot of love and support from her dedicated new owner) has given Libby The Canadian a new lease of life!

If you have ever had a horse with laminitis, you know just how painful and debilitating a disease it is. Severe or recurring episodes can quickly make laminitis a welfare issue and all too often can lead to a decision having to be made as whether it’s kind to let the animal continue to suffer. Horse & pony management should always be with a view to helping to prevent laminitis occurring in the first place, but for those that are afflicted, a revolutionary new hoof care system – FormaHoof – offers laminitic horses and ponies vastly increased comfort, protection and support and allows the hoof to repair and reform, naturally.

A healthy hoof has a naturally concave sole, whereas in horses with flat soles and no concavity, the coffin bone or P3 bone is directly weight-bearing on the ground, as there’s no airspace between the ground and the protective sole. This compromised hoof structure is a major cause of the pain associated with laminitis. FormaHoof creates instant concavity by rebuilding the compromised solar structure immediately. This is different to having soft or hard material added under a shoe as the airspace allows the foot to expand and contract and redistributes the weight off the affected and very sore area at the tip of P3. FormaHoof also allows the vet or farrier to apply a medicated solar pack, which remains in place and facilitates abscess drainage, making FormaHoof a functional medicated bandage in which the horse can start to move.

Libby is an 18-year-old registered Canadian Horse in Ontario, Canada.  She was entrusted to the care of the Canadian Horse Rescue and Re-Homing society to find her a new home.

Andrea White is a dedicated horse lover who has loved this Canadian breed since they got their first mare – a Canadian/Arab cross. Karli, Andrea’s daughter, who runs their barn, also had another Canadian on the farm, so when the word was put out for Foster homes for Libby, Andrea and Karli gladly signed up to take her on

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