Amy Rucker, DVM

Amy Rucker, DVM, of Midwest Equine is a podiatry-focused ambulatory veterinarian in Columbia, Missouri. In her practice, Rucker treats horses participating in a variety of disciplines. A lifelong horse enthusiast, she was inducted into the International Veterinarian Hall of Fame in 2012. She keeps a small herd of horses, including several retirees, and enjoys trail riding.

Articles by: Amy Rucker, DVM

Venogram Procedure (Step By Step)

Following is an in-depth description of the steps taken to perform the digital venogram.  I encourage you to follow each of these steps to achieve consistent, informative venograms.


  • Work Area

1. Choose a safe, quiet area.
2. A

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Interpreting Venograms and Artifacts

Becoming familiar with the range of normal venograms is difficult, but it is more difficult to become accustomed to artifacts that are induced by incorrect techniques. This presentation will attempt to discuss interpreting changes present on venograms. We will also review common findings of the pathologic foot.

Consistency in procedure is the key to quality venograms! Changes

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