Barrie Grant, DVM, Dipl. ACVS

Barrie Grant, DVM, Dipl. ACVS, is a board certified surgical veterinarian specializing in equine wobblers and cervical stabilization. He is a former partner in the San Louis Rey Equine Hospital. He left SLREH in 2008 and now has a consulting practice in Bonsall, Calif., where he enjoys surgery and working with veterinarians and their clients. More information about Dr. Grant can be found at his website,””arrie Grant

Articles by: Barrie Grant, DVM, Dipl. ACVS

Senior Citizen Surgery

There are many factors that veterinarians and owners consider when a surgical treatment is recommended for a horse.

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Popped Knees

I was talking to one of my friends last night, and she said her horse had a popped knee. What does that mean?” was talking to one of my friends

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Neurectomy for Navicular

While untenable pain due to navicular syndrome and caudal heel syndrome is the most common cause of performance horses’ being nerved, Madison said in Thoroughbred racehorses a wing fracture of the coffin bone often necessitates a neurectomy.

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