Bandaging: Wrapping It Up
A general theme that applies to all bandaging–from the simplest of shipping wraps to the most elaborate full-leg medical bandages–is that bandages can be dangerous if not applied correctly.
A general theme that applies to all bandaging–from the simplest of shipping wraps to the most elaborate full-leg medical bandages–is that bandages can be dangerous if not applied correctly.
The word choke for me conjures up images of someone hovering over a table, unable to talk or breathe because a piece of food has lodged in their trachea or windpipe–fortunately, the Heimlich maneuver usually rectifies the situation. Choke is
I am thinking of buying a mare that has cataracts in both eyes. What problems should I watch for?
The purpose of this article is to review the common problems that affect the horse, and to highlight their clinical signs.
Off-label drug use, which technically was illegal until recently, might be one of the most beneficial things we as vets
The ability to recognize abnormalities depends greatly on a person’s knowledge of what is normal. The greater someone’s knowledge of normal anatomy, physiology, behavior, and environment of a given animal, the more likely that person is to
Total parenteral nutrition is used when feeding via the GI tract is ill-advised or impossible.
It takes nearly a year for the hoof to grow down from the coronary band to the ground. Therefore, anything that happens to the horse — whether specific trauma to the foot or a systemic problem — can affect the health of the hoof for a long time.
Wound care is one of those many horse issues where there are as many opinions regarding treatment as there are horse owners and veterinarians. There are hundreds of agents (both commercial and home-brew) available to paint, spray, smear, gob, an
Within every living cell (muscle, tendon, lung, bone, etc.), there is a biochemical and cellular time bomb waiting to go off—inflammation. However, it is to be noted that inflammation is a double-edged sword. More animals (and probably people)
The foal is born with a functional immune system (if all is normal), but has a general absence of immunoglobulins to aid in the defense against infection. The foal acquires his initial immunoglobulin protection from the mare’s first milk, which
The down horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a number of disease conditions; the causes can be many.”he down horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a number of disease conditions; the causes can be m”e down horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a number of disease conditions; the causes can b” down horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a number of disease conditions; the causes can”down horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a number of disease conditions; the causes ca”down horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a number of disease conditions; the causes ca”own horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a number of disease conditions; the”wn horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a number of disease condit”n horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a number of diseas” horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a number of”horse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of a num”orse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development of “rse refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific development”se refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific developm”e refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific develo” refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific devel” refers to a horse which has become recumbent and cannot rise. The term is a clinical sign and is a non-specific devel
The ability to communicate well is probably one of the most important skills for success you can develop no matter what you do for a living. It seems, at least in my life, that when something goes wrong (or not as well as I had planned), it
After three days of colic, the horse’s pain finally is subdued by various drugs and the anesthetic gas. The ventilator now is breathing for the horse, which has been placed on his back and a large incision made in his abdomen to allow for
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