
The Trouble With Twins

Increased Incidence of Twins

If research shows that Thoroughbreds and Warmbloods are more likely to have twin pregnancies, could this be in relation to the number of mares that receive injections to encourage ovulation?

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Hormone Therapy Might Prevent Equine Abortion

Veterinarians might be able to prevent abortions in some pregnant mares that show premature mammary development, Dietrich H. Volkmann, BVSc, MMedVet (Gyn), Dipl. ACT, told equine veterinarians at the 2010 Western Veterinary Conference, held Feb

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DNA Testing for Twins (AAEP 2008)

Tissues from both the recipient and donor mare, as well as from the two stillborn foals, were submitted for microsatellite analysis. The analysis verified that the foals had identical genotypes and resulted from the transferred embryo.

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Multiple Pregnancies: Double the Trouble

The causes and management of equine multiple pregnancies.

Multiple pregnancies are an increasing problem in breeding management. They are usually multizygotic (originating from several ova, i.e., the result of multiple

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Laboratory Testing Can Help Pinpoint Cause of Abortion

When a mare aborts a foal, it can be a traumatic event for both horse and owner. While emotionally and financially expensive, abortion is not terribly uncommon in the equine breeding business. As many as 30% of broodmares fail to produce a

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New Twin Reduction Procedure

“We know that twinning has a profound impact on the mare,” said Karen Wolfsdorf, DVM, Dipl. ACT, of Hagyard Equine Medical Institute. “The presence of twins post-fixation (after the embryonic vesicle becomes stationary on about the 16th day after

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Orphans and Twins in Horses

People new to the breeding and raising of horses probably have never experienced the challenge of raising an orphan foal or feeding a foal whose mother is producing little or no milk.

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Management of Twins: Have We a New Option?

As has been discussed in earlier issues of The Horse, twinning is highly undesirable in the mare. The advent of ultrasound has allowed earlier detection of multiple pregnancies from around Days 14 to 16 post-breeding, and the majority of

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