
manganese, pastures, kentucky, central kentucky, horse nutrition

Putting Up Boundaries (Fencing)

Trying to figure out which fencing is right for your horse, your situation, and your budget can be tedious, but with a little guidance, you and your horse can be satisfied with your fencing.

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Housing Your Horse

In the back of your mind somewhere there lurks a Dream Barn. Go on, admit it. You’ve planned it down to the last luxurious detail–from the Olympic-sized riding arena (with the climate-impervious perfect footing) right down to the automatic fly

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Safe And Secure Fencing

Sandra had installed her fencing in good faith, on the advice of experts – yet in only weeks, one of her horses had been seriously injured. Would another kind of barrier have been any safer? It seems everyone’s got at least one fencing horror story”andra had installed her fencing in good faith, on the advice of experts – yet in only weeks, one of her horses had been seriously injured. Would another kind of barrier have been any”ndra had installed her fencing in good faith, on the advice of experts – yet in only weeks, one of her horses had bee”dra had installed her fencing in good faith, on the adv

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Posting The Guard

With more land owners deciding to use their acres to house a horse or pony comes the inevitable question, Which fence should I use? Because you are trying to contain living creatures who are nomadic by nature, and accident prone by design, you”P>With more land owners deciding to use their acres to house a horse or pony comes the inevitable question, Which fence should I use? Be”>With more land owners decidi

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Common Barn Injuries

Two of the saddest words in the English language. After an accident, we tear ourselves apart thinking how we could have prevented it. If only I had seen…If only I had done…Yet, as horse people, we are surrounded by thousands of pounds of

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ElectroBraid Fence Limited is offering a chance for a charitable organization to win free fencing. ElectroBraid President David Bryson wants to donate enough of his equine electrical fencing so that a therapeutic riding program, horse shelter, o

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Create Protective Barriers

You’ve heard it a hundred times before, and you’ll probably hear it a hundred times again: If there’s a way a horse can get into trouble, it will. That means if you have abandoned machinery at the far end of your 900-acre spread, your horse”P>You’ve heard it a hundred times before, and you’ll probably hear it a hundred times again: If there’s a way a horse can get into trouble, it will.”>You’ve heard it a hundred times before, and you’ll prob

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Horsekeeping On Small Acreage

When it comes to small horse pastures, pasturettes, or ranchettes, less equals more. More stress on pasture grasses, more likelihood of overgrazing, more pressure on fencing, more routine maintenance. But with proper management, pasturettes can

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Your Interactive Fence

Interactive is a common word in our language now. It means an immediate and personal response. You click–your computer displays a response. Your horse clicks an electric fence, and it shocks him. The interactivity cues the horse to respect th”P>Interactive is a common word in our language now. It means an immediate and personal respo

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Horses in the stable
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