Angular Limb Deformities


Making, Placing, and Removing Transphyseal Staples

Many methods have been used to straighten crooked limbs on foals, and in the past staples placed across the “long” side’s growth plate have received somewhat mixed reviews. However, some researchers suggest that this was due to poor staple choic

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The Quest to Conquer Laminitis

“Owners and trainers worldwide have the feeling that every veterinarian and every farrier have years of experience and vast knowledge about laminitis and podiatry (foot care). Unfortunately, this is not the case,” said Ric Redden, DVM, founder of

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Neonatal Nuances

The first days of a foal’s life can be risky; there are a number of things that can go wrong. Some problems can be dealt with easily (such as constipation), while others are life-threatening (such as a ruptured bladder).

In this article, Bonni

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Surgeries and Steroids

A survey of buyers of Thoroughbred weanlings, yearlings, and 2-year-olds discovered that surgeries to correct conformation defects have a significant influence on whether or not someone will buy a horse at public auction.

In fact, 28.4%

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Mandatory Disclosure of Veterinary Practices Postponed

The Monitoring Committee for the Sales Integrity Program has postponed implementation of the mandatory disclosure of acceptable veterinary practices, says the Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association.

The program’s code of ethics

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Making the Best of It

Not all dreams work out the way we hope or plan, but Moon Doggie went from a dream of glory to a fulfilling companion. He is now a 3-year-old appendix Quarter Horse that is a friend to a once lonely performance horse. Moon can run and play with

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Conformation of Racehorses

In her study, nearly all racing-bred Thoroughbred foals were carpus valgus (knock-kneed) at birth, many toed out, and a few had offset knees. But at about 18 months of age, nearly two-thirds had offset knees and the incidence of knock knees

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Conformation of the Juvenile Equine Athlete

Limb conformation has bearing on the type of procedure used to alter a particular defect, including periosteal elevation, transphyseal bridging, hoof augmentation, and changes in management. Conformation also affects selection of sale and breeding

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