Emergency Rescue Techniques


Florida Horse Rescued from Creek

It took more than 35 people to extract a 1,600-pound Hanoverian from a creek yesterday morning (June 6) near Orlando, Fla. The 17.1-hand gelding had been trapped in the 25-foot-wide miry creek with slippery banks for at least three hours when he

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HEART Unveils New Equine Ambulance

HEART unveiled its new state-of-the-art equine ambulance at the Devon Horse Show, which was held May 25-June 3 in Devon, Pa. The new ambulance will help HEART improve upon its strong tradition of providing rapid care and transport for sick and

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Ham Radio Communication and Horses

To successfully manage and recover from terrorist attacks, medical emergencies, accidents, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, fires, floods, blizzards, etc., reliable communications are absolutely necessary. A relatively simple way to vastly

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New Sling Shows Promise in Clinical Setting

Practitioners need to quickly assess an acutely recumbent (unable to stand) horse’s prognosis, and that can be difficult. Putting a horse in the Andersen Sling Support Device (ASSD), the gold standard for equine slings, requires at least six

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USRider, EKU to Continue Large Animal Rescue Training

USRider Equestrian Motor Plan has teamed up with Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) to conduct large animal rescue training for the second consecutive year. The training was initially offered at EKU through two training sessions in March 2005.

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Vet on Hurricanes: The Ripples are Impressive

Sonny Corley, DVM, of Acadiana Equine Clinic in Lafayette, La., climbed a fence to leave another note Tuesday night on the door of the clinic belonging to Johnny Reina, DVM, in Lake Charles, La. He had visited the hurricane-damaged site three

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Disaster Response: Top 10 Ways to Make a Real Impact

In the last decade, there have been outstanding improvements in planning for animals in disasters nationwide. We can learn many early lessons from the responses to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita that affected the Gulf Coast to allow us as veterinarians

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Louisiana Rescue Horse Shoeing Task Force

The American Farrier’s Association (AFA) President Craig Trnka, CJF announced the formation of the Louisiana Rescue Horse Shoeing Task Force created to provide care for the horses affected by the recent hurricanes, according to a press

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Disaster Prep Reflections

The time available to evacuate horses in an emergency is limited. Having a plan ready may make the difference between survival and disaster. At the very least, keep halters ready for your horses.

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Slings for Horses–Getting A Lift

Rescuers can employ equine-specific manufactured slings, or fabricate a temporary sling from rope or a fire hose. A sling gives rescuers mechanical advantage–it can help them move a horse up an inclined plane (dragging up a ramp) or get a horse out

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Disaster Planning

“Disasters do not create new conditions; they simply exacerbate existing ones.”

Wait a minute! Disasters don’t create new conditions? Horses trapped in flood waters, in fires, in wind-damaged barns are not new conditions? Horses

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