

Fiber in Hay: What’s the Magic Number?

Horses evolved to eat a lot of fiber, spending up to 17 hours a day grazing various forage plants. But not all fiber is created equal, especially when it comes to hay.

Hay carries a few challenges compared to living forages. One, compared t

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Conscientious Ownership

In recent months, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and The Denver Post have reported on the apparent increase in the number of unwanted, neglected, or

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Prepare for a Reduced Hay Crop in 2008

The USDA has released several crop reports that indicate the number of hay acres will be down in 2008.

The department also reported that the existing hay supply is lower than previous years. This information, combined with higher input cost

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Alfalfa Hay Reduces Ulcer Severity

If your horse has ulcers, giving him omeprazole isn’t the only thing you can do to help reduce the severity of the problem. Noah Cohen, VMD, PhD, MPH, Dipl. ACVIM, discussed a study that found alfalfa hay reduced the severity of ulcers in young,

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Michigan Equine Survey Reports 20% Population Increase

Michigan’s equine population has climbed nearly 20% since 1996, according to the preliminary results of a new study conducted by investigators from Michigan State University (MSU), the Michigan Horse Council, and the National Agricultural

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Transitioning to Alternative Forages: Use Caution

Whether it is the result of weather conditions making forage scarce or prohibitively expensive, or if there’s some other reason, there could come a time when horse owners need to consider alternative sources of forage. Equine nutritionists say that

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Alfalfa Might Buffer Gastric Acid Production, Prevent Ulcers

Feeding grain, confinement, exercise, and overall environmental stress factors are thought to cause ulcers, he said. It’s commonly thought that horses turned out on pastures are better off than those that are confined. However, if grass hay is the on

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Southeastern Drought Affecting Feed Prices, Horse Sales

Some horse owners are looking toward a dire winter as hay prices soar, and rescue workers worry about animal neglect and abandonment in the coming months.

Both groups blame the drought, which wiped out hay crops across the South and affecte

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Carb Testing Program for Horse Feed and Hay

When it comes to horses, what does “low carb” mean? Lower than what? “There are several analytical procedures that measure sugar, and each one measures a slightly different fraction,” said Kathryn Watts, BS, owner of Rocky Mountain Research & Consult

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Choose the Right Hay for Your Horses

You invest a lot of care and appreciation on your horses, so it is wise to spend some time considering their primary diet — forages.

The horse evolved over time to be efficient as a grazing animal thriving on forages. As we adapted the horse

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