

Morris’ New Studies

 The Morris Animal Foundation is pleased to report the realization of a goal to fund $2 million in health studies by the year 2000. The Foundation also has added a variety of animal health studies to its growing list of vital investigations

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Forage Alternatives

Man might not live by bread alone, but horses can live on forage just fine. As grazing, herbivorous animals, forage (grasses and plants that grow on pastureland) is what they’re designed to eat. Other components of the equine diet–grains, fats,

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Weighing In

Accepted wisdom in the horse world tells us that an average light horse weighs about 1,000 pounds, or 450 kg. A draft horse, upwards of double that. But does that rather arbitrary figure really mean anything? After all, what is an “average” horse?

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Michigan Hay Surplus

A very favorable summer growing season over much of Michigan has produced a tremendous supply of surplus hay for many farms. According to Jerry Lindquist, the coordinator of the Michigan Hay Seller’s List and Michigan State University (MSU)

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Ask any Average Joe on the street what a horse eats, and chances are he’ll answer, ‘hay.’ Even those who’ve never picked a foot or mucked a stall recognize that fibrous dried forage as the foundation of a horse’s diet. Given that, it’s surprisin

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