Water & Electrolytes


Electrolytes and Rehydration

Electrolyte pastes can increase water consumption, improving rehydration following administration of furosemide (Salix). A recently published study was done at Michigan State University on the effects of rehydration during the 36 hours after

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Soil and Water Testing

As you push your shopping cart down the aisle at the supermarket, it’s likely become routine for you to do a quick scan of the nutritional analysis printed on the side of every cereal box and container of yogurt you select. Instantly, you know how

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Dehydration Alert

When horses are working hard, especially in hot weather, they are particularly prone to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.

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Travel Diets: Take it With You

Over the past couple of years, a great deal has been written about the effects of transportation (by road or air) on horses. Hopefully you have taken the time to read these articles and now have a heightened awareness of the potential stresses

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Fluids And Electrolytes

With the summer months approaching, it is time for a refresher on the impact of the warmer environmental conditions on your horse. Warmer temperatures and high relative humidity place added stress on horses during exercise because of their

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