Feeding Fats


Feeding Horses: Art, Science, or Both?

When feeding horses, two seemingly opposing aspects hold true: It’s a little bit of art, and a little bit of science. On one hand, tradition reigns supreme when it comes to horse feeding. Many techniques have been passed down from generation to

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Basic Concepts in Nutrition

The options and opinions on what to feed your horse are numerous. My goal in this article is to review the differences between the simple-stomached creatures (such as ourselves, dogs, cats, etc.) and the horse. In addition, we will take a look”P>The options and opinions on what to feed your horse are numerous. My goal in this article is to review the diff

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Nutritional Series Kicks Off in Lexington, Ky.

In the first of a new series of nutritional talks sponsored by Buckeye Nutrition, 30 veterinarians from Lexington, Ky., and surrounding areas attended a dinner and a presentation on Feb. 11. Kent Thompson, PhD, Buckeye Nutrition’s Director of

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Is Dietary Fat Really Healthy?

Marketing claims regarding the virtues of fat in equine diets are plentiful. Statements such as “Added dietary fat for improved performance,” “Increased stamina,” “Calm energy,” or “Improved coat and hoof condition” abound. Indeed, at times it i

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How to Read a Feed Label

Learning to interpret the information supplied by the manufacturer isn’t all that difficult, and it can tell you whether the feed you’re buying is truly the best choice for your horse.

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Tying-Up in Horses: Causes and Management

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the specific causes of exertional rhabdomyolysis (ER) or tying-up, along with methods that can be used to prevent repeat episodes. of tying-up in horses. predisposed to recurrences.

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Fat Burning

For the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to describe an overweight or obese state. When we think of dietary fat and the proportion of calories in our diet that is derived from various sources”P>For the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to describe an overweight or obese state. When we think of dietary fat and the proportion of calories in our diet that “>For the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to describe an overweight or obese state. When we think of dietary fat and the proportion”For the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to describe an overweight or obese state. When we think of d”or the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to describe an overweight or obe”r the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society today–fat often is used to de” the most part, the word fat has bad connotations in our society toda”the most part, the word fat has bad connota”he most part, the wo

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