Bluegrass Laminitis Symposium


The Quest to Conquer Laminitis

“Owners and trainers worldwide have the feeling that every veterinarian and every farrier have years of experience and vast knowledge about laminitis and podiatry (foot care). Unfortunately, this is not the case,” said Ric Redden, DVM, founder of

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Learning to Read Radiographs (X Rays)

When you’re talking about evaluating a horse’s foot, a radiograph or X ray can tell you a whole lot more than just whether there’s a fracture or not. When the radiograph is taken to show soft tissue detail as well as bone, it can provide tons of info

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How to Use Digital Venograms to Evaluate Laminitis

“The venogram is the ticket to fixing all those laminitis cases you’ve been missing,” Amy Rucker, DVM, said at the Bluegrass Laminitis Symposium (held Jan. 25-28 in Louisville, Ky.). Rucker, a practitioner with Midwest Equine in Columbia, Mo., discus

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Laminitis Lessons: What Not to Do

Baker, who is both a veterinarian and a farrier, presented a discussion of six case studies and what they taught him not to do in treating laminitis. He began by describing the following common causes of treatment failure.

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Equine Podiatry: Gaining a Foothold

The reason for this is that equine podiatry is still in its infancy, and while there are a lot of very intelligent people working to better understand the horse’s foot, it’s still a very complex structure with no real analogue in the human physique,

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Using Self-Adjusting Palmar Angles to Treat Heel Pain

“How do we use the palmar angle (the angle the wings of the coffin bone make with the ground) to influence the mechanics (of the foot)?” asked Ric Redden, DVM, host of the 16th annual Bluegrass Laminitis Symposium and founder of the International Equine Podiatry Center in Versailles, Ky.

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