Western Veterinary Therapies

Shockwave: Sounds of the Future

An extracorporeal shock wave therapy device sounds high-tech, and it is. Based on the same technology that is used in human medicine to break up kidney stones, shock wave therapy is being defined, and refined, for use in treating various injurie

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Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries, involving the fracture of a bone, take a heavy toll on racehorses in training and in competition. Research through the years has given the veterinary surgeon additional tools and knowledge to deal with these

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Equine Physical Therapy

How does Physical Therapy relate to horses and to veterinary medicine? According to Haussler, the veterinary community can learn a lot from physical therapists about taking a proactive approach to equine rehab.

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Alternative Therapies: Quality or Quackery?

In spite of (or perhaps because of) the ongoing debate about the merits of chiropractic, acupuncture, and other alternative treatments, these and other modalities are exploding in popularity. First embraced by human medicine, methods ranging from”n spite of (or perhaps because of) the ongoing debate about the merits of chiropractic, acupuncture, and other alternative treatments” spite of (or perhaps b

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Reconditioning After Lay-Up

A small-animal orthopedic veterinarian once told me, The athlete that heals slowly heals best. In other words, although some physical therapy might be recommended as the body heals, the body’s soft and hard tissues need to recover wholly from”P>A small-animal orthopedic veterinarian once told me, The athlete that heals slowly heals best. In other words, although some physical therapy might be recommended as the body heals, the “>A small-animal orthopedic veterinarian once told me, The athlete that heals slowly heals best. In other words, although some physic”A small-animal orthopedic veterinarian once told me, The athlete that heals sl” small-animal orthopedic

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Kosovo Atrocities Affect Horses

The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is preparing for action to aid livestock and pets in war-torn Kosovo when the bombs stop falling. WSPA’s Trevor Wheeler, along with colleagues, recently was sent to

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Stretching for the Horse

Certainly, muscles that have become contracted due to injury could benefit from gentle stretching exercises, but what about the apparently healthy horse? We often see horses stretching themselves in their stalls. A good roll in the dust can give the

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