Physical Therapy


Bumps and Bangs of Life

It looked bad. My daughter Barbara and a college friend purchased a 2-year-old registered Quarter Horse filly (Casey) last year that had 30 or so days of training on her. They wanted to give the filly some additional training in order to sell her

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West Nile Virus and EEE Detected in Maryland Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes collected in two separate areas of Prince George’s County are the first in Maryland this year to test positive for West Nile virus (WNV) and for Eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE). In the first instance, mosquitoes collected on

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Ohio University Equestrian Team Devastated by Fire

The Ohio University Equestrian Team (OUET), 2002 Miller’s Cup Team Champions (Intercollegiate Horse Show Association national winners), lost a barn, an arena, a tack room, a trailer, all of their tack and one horse to a fire that ripped through

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Chiropractic: Modality of Movement

Chiropractors have been treating human patients on a professional basis in this country since before the turn of the century, but it has only been in recent years that this alternative form of therapy has been applied to a substantial number of horse

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The Right Touch: Massage

Editor’s Note: This series on therapeutic options is meant to offer basic information on the history of the therapy, what the therapy is, and how it is being used in the equine industry. Information presented in this series is

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Cross-Training For Horses

To add variety to conditioning programs, human athletes often undertake exercise sessions that are not specific to their athletic disciplines. For example, long-distance runners might cycle on a stationary bike once or twice a week, swim, or

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The Equine Spine–Back To Work

First, how can we visualize and understand what’s going on under that hair, skin, and muscle? Denoix has diagnostic steps to examine a horse with performance problems that he believes might stem from the spine.

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Behind the Scenes

This month’s cover story takes a look at the sport of rodeo. Whether you are a fan or not, rodeo is one of the fastest-growing equine sports in the world. It is run by very forward-thinking people in regard to animal welfare. Rodeo is a unique

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Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries, involving the fracture of a bone, take a heavy toll on racehorses in training and in competition. Research through the years has given the veterinary surgeon additional tools and knowledge to deal with these

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Equine Physical Therapy

How does Physical Therapy relate to horses and to veterinary medicine? According to Haussler, the veterinary community can learn a lot from physical therapists about taking a proactive approach to equine rehab.

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Alternative Therapies: Quality or Quackery?

In spite of (or perhaps because of) the ongoing debate about the merits of chiropractic, acupuncture, and other alternative treatments, these and other modalities are exploding in popularity. First embraced by human medicine, methods ranging from”n spite of (or perhaps because of) the ongoing debate about the merits of chiropractic, acupuncture, and other alternative treatments” spite of (or perhaps b

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Reconditioning After Lay-Up

A small-animal orthopedic veterinarian once told me, The athlete that heals slowly heals best. In other words, although some physical therapy might be recommended as the body heals, the body’s soft and hard tissues need to recover wholly from”P>A small-animal orthopedic veterinarian once told me, The athlete that heals slowly heals best. In other words, although some physical therapy might be recommended as the body heals, the “>A small-animal orthopedic veterinarian once told me, The athlete that heals slowly heals best. In other words, although some physic”A small-animal orthopedic veterinarian once told me, The athlete that heals sl” small-animal orthopedic

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Kosovo Atrocities Affect Horses

The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is preparing for action to aid livestock and pets in war-torn Kosovo when the bombs stop falling. WSPA’s Trevor Wheeler, along with colleagues, recently was sent to

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