Time-Saving Tips: Horse Barn Chores
Utilizing stall mats and choosing absorbent bedding can help cut down on the time spent cleaning stalls. | Photo: Anne M Eberhardt/The Horse

Keeping horse barns tidy can be time consuming and isn’t necessarily something horse owners look forward to. How do you make the most of the time you spend in the barn? If you’re in a hurry, these tips and practices from The Horse staff and sources can reduce the hassle of chores like stall-cleaning and aisle-sweeping.

Stall Mats and Bedding Choices

Although stall mats can be pricey, they cut down on time spent cleaning stalls, as well as the amount of bedding used, says Alayne Blickle.

When choosing bedding, buy the most absorbent type you can find. “Research shows beddings such as wood pellets, peat moss, or shredded newspaper are far more absorbent and contain less dust, mold, or foreign objects than traditional shavings,” Blickle says. “I’m a big fan of pelleted bedding; it’s quite chore-efficient, and the small particle size means it composts easily. Pelleted bedding is also very low in dust, so horse (and human!) health benefits are high

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