Sweet PDZ Sponsors Green Horse Keeping Awareness Week on The Horse
Photo: iStock
From manure management to insect control techniques, how we manage our horses and barn properties affects the planet. But there are ways we can adjust our horse keeping practices to not only conserve the resources on our own land but also make chore time easier and our properties safer and more healthful for us and our horses.

To help educate horse owners about environmentally friendly horse care techniques, The Horse: Your Guide to Equine Health Care and Sweet PDZ have teamed up for Green Horse Keeping Awareness Week, April 17-23, 2022. Sweet PDZ, the maker of Sweet PDZ Stall Refresher, is a company committed to manufacturing all-natural odor control products that are people, pet, and planet-friendly with no perfumes, cover-up agents, or chemicals.

Look for more information about green horse keeping techniques all week on TheHorse.com, our Facebook page and Twitter feed, and in our e-newsletters.