10 Saddle Fit Resources on TheHorse.com
A poorly fitting saddle affects not only your riding but also your horse’s comfort. | Alexandra Beckstett/The Horse
Imagine walking about the farm with a pesky rock in your boot. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it could hinder your ability to complete your chores. It’s not much different for your horse when his saddle doesn’t fit properly. Not only can an ill-fitting saddle negatively impact performance, it can also cause injury to your mount, sour him to riding, and place you in a dangerous situation if he starts acting out under tack.

But many equestrians aren’t quite sure where to begin when it comes to properly evaluating and fitting a saddle. Don’t worry. We’re here to help. Here are 10 resources about saddle fit available to you for free on TheHorse.com. For additional resources, search “saddle fit” on TheHorse.com.

ARTICLE: Assessing Saddle Fit in Sport Horses Your horse’s diminished performance has you worried. He’s not lame, he’s not injured, but something’s just not right. After watching you ride, a friend recommends you evaluate the fit of your horse’s saddle—maybe it’s not comfortable for him. Great idea, you think, but where do I start? Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. Read More

VIDEO: How to Fit an English Saddle Master Saddler Ian Hastilow shows how to properly place an English saddle on a horse and check for its correct fit.

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